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5 Tips for a Strong Immune System During Winter


As the cooler weather arrives, so too does the risk of another cold and flu season. We’re all super familiar with the tips to avoid spreading germs – like washing our hands regularly. But what about protecting your natural defences? Here are 5 tips that can help you build a stronger immune system this winter.

Get plenty of sleep

Each night while we sleep, our bodies are restoring all of our essential functions. This includes our immune system. When you don’t have enough hours of rest, your body’s ability to fight infection can be impaired. To help your immune system stay fighting fit; adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Take good care of your gut

Did you know your gut carries around 70% of your immune system? It’s a connection that even scientists have only just begun to make. There are trillions of bacteria living in our gut that interact with and help to regulate our immune system.

A natural way to help boost your immunity this winter is making sure you take good care of your gut. This could be through eating a high-fibre diet or taking a daily supplement such as NC’s Gut Relief. This science-backed formula includes natural ingredients such as curcumin, Aloe Vera leaf and peppermint oil which can all help improve your gut function.

Eat a balanced diet

Everyone knows that a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables and whole foods is good for your health. But how does it boost immunity? Well, there are certain food groups that may have extra powers when it comes to immune system activity. These include:

  • Antioxidant-rich foods like blueberries, dark chocolate and curcumin
  • High-fibre foods like oats, legumes, broccoli and apples
  • Probiotic foods like yoghurt, sauerkraut and kimchi
  • Prebiotic foods like bananas, asparagus, garlic and onions

The good news is – these foods are also might tasty, so including them in your diet shouldn’t feel like a chore.

Try vitamin supplements

Most of the time, your diet will provide more than enough vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy. But, there are certain vitamin deficiencies which have been linked to a lowered immune response. These include deficiencies in vitamins A, B6, C, D and E, plus zinc, iron and folic acid. To help boost your immunity this winter, consider taking a daily multivitamin. But, if you’re truly worried that you’re deficient in any vitamins or minerals; the best option is to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment options.

Minimise stress

Whether you’ve had a big argument or are working on an important deadline – short bursts of stress are a normal part of life. But, the longer the stress continues, the worse it is for your health. Chronic stress – the kind that is ongoing – has been linked to many health issues, including lowered immunity.

As much as possible, you should try to minimise stress in your life. Healthy coping strategies to try include; exercise, meditation, deep breathing exercises or talking problems through with a friend.





5 Tips for a Strong Immune System During Winter

As the cooler weather arrives, so too does the risk of another cold and flu season. We’re all super familiar with the tips to avoid spreading germs – like washing our hands regularly. But what about protecting your natural defences? Here are 5 tips that can help you build a stronger immune system this winter.

Get plenty of sleep

Each night while we sleep, our bodies are restoring all of our essential functions. This includes our immune system. When you don’t have enough hours of rest, your body’s ability to fight infection can be impaired. To help your immune system stay fighting fit; adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Take good care of your gut

Did you know your gut carries around 70% of your immune system? It’s a connection that even scientists have only just begun to make. There are trillions of bacteria living in our gut that interact with and help to regulate our immune system.

A natural way to help boost your immunity this winter is making sure you take good care of your gut. This could be through eating a high-fibre diet or taking a daily supplement such as NC’s Gut Relief. This science-backed formula includes natural ingredients such as curcumin, Aloe Vera leaf and peppermint oil which can all help improve your gut function.

Eat a balanced diet

Everyone knows that a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables and whole foods is good for your health. But how does it boost immunity? Well, there are certain food groups that may have extra powers when it comes to immune system activity. These include:

  • Antioxidant-rich foods like blueberries, dark chocolate and curcumin
  • High-fibre foods like oats, legumes, broccoli and apples
  • Probiotic foods like yoghurt, sauerkraut and kimchi
  • Prebiotic foods like bananas, asparagus, garlic and onions

The good news is – these foods are also might tasty, so including them in your diet shouldn’t feel like a chore.

Try vitamin supplements

Most of the time, your diet will provide more than enough vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy. But, there are certain vitamin deficiencies which have been linked to a lowered immune response. These include deficiencies in vitamins A, B6, C, D and E, plus zinc, iron and folic acid. To help boost your immunity this winter, consider taking a daily multivitamin. But, if you’re truly worried that you’re deficient in any vitamins or minerals; the best option is to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment options.

Minimise stress

Whether you’ve had a big argument or are working on an important deadline – short bursts of stress are a normal part of life. But, the longer the stress continues, the worse it is for your health. Chronic stress – the kind that is ongoing – has been linked to many health issues, including lowered immunity.

As much as possible, you should try to minimise stress in your life. Healthy coping strategies to try include; exercise, meditation, deep breathing exercises or talking problems through with a friend.






观看由创办人Ian Brighthope教授为大家回顾了Nutrition Care的历史,并向大家保证将会继续坚持纯自然和更专业的理念,为世界人们提供替代的保健品。

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            2018年4月26日,Nutrition Care墨尔本在举办。营养品牌创意40周年庆典是澳大利亚著名的保健品生产商,其创立于1978年,40年来一直在寻找新的诞生。而这个40 26日下午1点半,营养关怀40周年庆典在墨尔本皇冠正式拉开序幕。(著名主持人嘉嘉,品牌标志Ian Brighthope,澳洲名牌Lauren Vickers)商业庆典上,Nutrition

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5月13日,营养关怀首次冠名全澳华语辩论赛——NC纽新宝杯决赛于市政厅成功举行!本次辩论赛由澳洲著名保健品品牌NC纽新宝独家冠名,活动到场嘉宾有中国组驻墨尔本领事馆杨智勇领事馆,本次评委提出了相当多的专业,就包括《奇葩说》著名辩手陈铭与胡渐彪。辩论社,双方就【消费主义是当代灵魂的良药还是毒药】这个辩题,站在不同的角度,深度探查。最终,纳什大学代表队的表现获得了评委们的一致青睐,夺得本色本届全澳辩论赛中。 比赛结束后,胡渐评委深入浅出冠军药解读【良药】【毒药】的定义,给辩手和台下观众带来更深层次的思考。徐卓阳评委以赞助商NC纽新新宝在台上的养胃粉示范,有趣的饮食习惯对故事进行了深入,通俗易懂,却又发人深思。视频给学生运动员们。视频中伊安感谢学生们的,在母亲节这样特殊的日子里,他想起远离家人的留学生们,要注意自己的身体健康,因为健康对他们说,是在追寻人生梦想最重要的一件急事。最后,纽新宝为嘉宾、评委们以及每一位参加活动的观众准备了养胃小礼物,让大家在观看辩论赛时感受暖心暖暖胃。 

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