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5 Tips for a Strong Immune System During Winter

As the cooler weather arrives, so too does the risk of another cold and flu season. We’re all super familiar with the tips to avoid spreading germs – like washing our hands regularly. But what about protecting your natural defences? Here are 5 tips that can help you build a stronger immune system this winter. […]

Does Your Poop Change on Your Period?

Many women find that time of the month wreaks havoc on their gut. Whether you’ve been too embarrassed to ask or too afraid of the answer; we’re here to help you understand how periods affect your poop. What is period poop? Research has found up to 73% of women experience changes to their bowel movements […]

Macronutrients: What they are, why you need them and how much each day

Macronutrients, or macros, are a set of essential nutrients your body needs every day to maintain healthy functioning. When your diet includes a good balance of macros, you feel fuller for longer and have plenty of energy. Here’s a quick summary of the three types of macros and recommended amounts to have each day. The […]


The humble apple is a superfood rich in prebiotic fibre, vitamins, minerals, and powerful polyphenols (naturally occurring chemical compounds found in plants). Quercetin, found mostly in the skin, is the predominant and most studied polyphenol in apples, and provides an immune-boosting, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effect. Human cells cannot effectively digest polyphenols, however, gut bacteria are […]

The different types of fibre and how they support your gut

纤维可能不是一种时尚的超级食物,但它确实在你的饮食中具有超能力。它可以帮助您长时间保持饱腹感、降低胆固醇、调节血糖并保持肠道健康。以下是您应该知道的四种不同类型的纤维以及哪些食物是最好的来源。什么是纤维?纤维是 […]

6 种时令水果和蔬菜,帮助改善肠道微生物群

夏天到了!随着天气转暖,更容易吃更多的沙拉和夏季水果,因此我们列出了最好的时令水果和蔬菜,以帮助改善您的肠道微生物群,它们味道鲜美。香蕉味道鲜美,价格便宜,而且很容易边吃边吃。它们有助于稳定肠道 […]

肠道健康 101

您需要了解的健康、快乐的肠道 在健康方面,肠道健康现在风靡一时。但是,为什么健康的肠道对您的长期健康如此重要,您又该如何实现呢?如果您想更多地了解肠道的工作原理以及如何 […]


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