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The benefits of a plant based diet on your gut microbiome

There is growing evidence that has shown the key benefits of eating a plant based diet. The fibre found in a plant based diet will aid the food and waste to move more smoothly through your system. Additionally, it can positively impact the trillions of bacteria living inside our gut, influencing the structure and function […]

4 benefits of dietary fibre on your gut microbiome

Dietary fibre is an edible plant that is resistant to digestion and absorption into the small intestine, and undergoes complete or partial fermentation in the large intestine. The benefits of consuming dietary fibre is that it cannot be completely broken down by human digestive enzymes. Fibre sources include plant products such as cereals, legumes, vegetables, […]

Do I have Endometriosis or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

Understanding the Link Between Endometriosis and IBS  What is Endometriosis? Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus grows outside of it, leading to chronic inflammation and a range of symptoms such as painful menstruation, deep pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, and difficulties with bowel movements and urination. It can […]

Gut health and immunity

A lot has been learnt in regards to washing our hands and the etiquette around coughing and sneezing. However, one aspect of protection that has received little to no attention is our gut health.  Our gut makes up around 70% of our immune system. It is our first line of defence against harmful bacteria, viruses […]

Your Daily Gut Health Checklist

Gut Health Made Simple: An Easy-to-Follow Guide  Understanding Gut Health The term ‘gut health’ is frequently mentioned, but its meaning can often be misunderstood. While various health trends like bone broth, juice cleanses, and colonic irrigation claim to enhance gut health, they are not always necessary and may sometimes be counterproductive.  Insights from Nutritionist Reece […]

4 Easy Lifestyle Changes To Get A Healthy Gut

Enhancing Gut Health Beyond Diet: Four Lifestyle Changes  Introduction to Gut Health While diet plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, there are several non-dietary practices that can also significantly impact gut health. Embracing these practices can complement dietary efforts and contribute to overall well-being.  1. Sleep for Gut Health Adequate sleep […]

5 ways to keep your gut happy this Christmas

Enjoying a Healthy Christmas: Tips for Managing Digestive Health  Festive Feasting and Digestive Health Christmas is a time for joy, family, and, of course, delicious food. While indulging in holiday treats is part of the fun, it’s important to consider the impact of rich foods on your digestive health and overall mood.  Simple Dietary Changes […]

Stomach Bloating

Understanding Bloating: Causes and Management  What is Bloating? Bloating is a common digestive issue where the stomach feels uncomfortably full and tight. It can be caused by factors such as overeating or swallowing too much air, but it is often a symptom of an underlying gastrointestinal problem.  Common Causes of Bloating  Dietary Triggers  Managing Bloating […]


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