Choc-Hazelnut Truffles

These simple, yet delicious truffles will warm your loved one’s heart and make a great alternative to refined sugar treats usually available in shops around Valentine’s Day. Modern research has shown that cacao (raw, unprocessed cocoa), contains the precursor (Tryptophan), to dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitters: responsible for feelings of happiness, love, and reward, making chocolate […]
6 seasonal fruits and veggies to help improve your gut microbiome

Summer is here! With the warmer weather, it is easier to eat more salads and summer fruits, so we’ve made a list of the best seasonal fruits and veggies to help improve your gut microbiome and they taste delicious. Bananas Are delicious, cheap and easy to eat on the run. They help stabolise good gut […]
Gut Health 101
What You Need To Know For A Healthy, Happy Gut When it comes to wellness, gut health is all the rage right now. But why is a healthy gut so important for your long-term health, and how can you achieve it? If you want to know more about how the gut works and how to […]